A beginner friendly crochet class where you can make your own crochet easter decoration! These bunny baskets are the perfect size to hold some chocolate eggs and treats from the Easter Bunny himself.
This crochet workshop is totally suitable for beginners and experienced crocheters alike, and after a couple of hours crocheting and chatting, you'll come away with your own bunny basket, some new skills and maybe some new friends!
Crocheting is an incredibly mindful and relaxing craft and, when you become proficient with the stitches, you will find that you can bring your crocheting out anytime you have a spare 5 minutes to relax.
All materials are provided for this workshop, along with tea, coffee and cake!
Crochet for Beginners - Bunny Baskets (Wednesday 23rd April 10.30 - 1pm)
Wednesday 23rd April
10.30am - 1pm
(2.5 hours)